Be honest with yourself. Do you fully understand all the different funding options available to your business? Do you know where to turn when the banks have refused you? Do you know how to attract the RIGHT investors to your company and do you understand why this is important?

If you answered no to any (or all) of the above questions, you’ve come to the right place.

Let us help bridge the gap between you and the investors out there. We’ve been able to successfully finance entrepreneurs and businesses that the banks can’t and our peers deemed too time consuming and risky. Where they have seen no upside potential, DK Wong may see an opportunity.


  • We think outside the box
    if it’s growth capital you need, we’ll help you determine potential sources of capital. We go beyond traditional sources such as banks, or loans from friends and family.
  • Get the RIGHT investor
    We’ll prepare a comprehensive investment proposal or due diligence package that will increase your chances with the right investor.
  • Experience on your side
    we’ve helped countless businesses and entrepreneurs keep their dreams alive. We fully understand small businesses and all the dynamics involved in taking a business to the next level. We’ve done it before, and we’ll do it again. Hopefully for you this time.

At DK Wong, we work with entrepreneurs and business owners, involved with either public or private businesses, needing…


  • Assistance in a distressed or a restructuring situation
  • Help with mergers, either merging with another company or seeking to be acquired.
  • General business consulting services

Contact us today and get us working for your business success. And make sure to grab your free report – 7 Questions Every Entrepreneur Must know Before Looking for Investors.